Friday, April 06, 2007

Disgusting People

I'm talking about litterbugs. The kind of scum that can toss a can or bottle into a bush, or onto the side of a path, without even batting an eyelid. I witnessed one such incident last night and the sight of the act really disgusted me. Is it really that hard to find a bin around town? Is it really that inconvenient to carry an empty bottle with you until you inevitably get to one? It doesn't matter who the person is, but the display of such a lack of thoughtlessness and consideration is what annoyed me.

So I reprimanded the person through a mixture of frenzied physical and verbal assaults, hoping to get my point through. However, maybe I didn't present myself as serious enough. The response? Not even an "oops." It was a more of a "So?" So you're already aware you're an ignorant, self-centered prick? Even if you aren't, that makes you one anyway. You might as well have said "So? I have no respect for anything beyond me because YEAA! It's all about Mememememememe!"

"What's wrong with littering and being an inconsiderate prick?" you may ask. Well, stupid questions deserve stupid answers. Here are some of the hazardous effects of litter on our society.

As you can see, this once beautiful beach got pwned by litter.

These critters look really peeved. Don't EVER go to Virginia because they're are gonna f*cking rip your face off.

The grass here used to be nice. Until it got FREAKING PWNED by your litter.

Everyone thought Bubbles was cute. But then one day, he decided it's PERFECTLY FINE to throw this pink SHIT on the floor while looking like a damn FAG. The result? His mom disowned him soon after. 6 months later, the butterfly got its revenge.

The figures for number of dyslexics were grossly understated.

Uh-uh. THESE KIDS aren't gonna put up with your bullshit too. Just try messing with them and see what happens.

You know what really grinds my gears? Litterbugs. However, that being said, I can be called a hypocrite too. After all, in the heat of the moment, I forgot to crawl into the bushes later to pick up the bottle. I'm filled with regret.

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