Thursday, June 01, 2006

my house is not a hotel

after months of living on junkfood, late nights early mornings, my body decided to say wtf stop it okay so i got sick.

could finally put those medical supplies i got from the polyclinic a few weeks ago to good use. took ONE paracetamol tablet (panadol thingy). I'm well on my way to finishing up all that medicine, only have 9 more paracetamol tabs, 10 sorethroat lozenges, a bottle of cough syrup and 10 chlorpheniramine tabs (for fever i think) to go.

half a week of hold is gone, only studied fifteen minutes so far =/ die.

watched x men 3: THE LAST STAND. not a very nice movie. no character development, minimal action. just some plot about a cure for mutants and one unlucky dude who died while having mutant sex.

The new mutants were just noobs, like the slut who could move super fast but still gets owned by "bao feng nu shen"-- as named in the subtitles -- who doesn't move super fast or have super fast reflexes. just doesn't make sense. and there's also that bird boy who is able to fly with his bird wings around the city topless and wow-ing kids everywhere. biggest disappointments were wolverine who has not adopted the much cooler yellowblueblack original costume and gambit still missing, apparently still hiding in some gambling den playing daidee.

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