Monday, November 29, 2004


went out for dinner yesterday wif my parrents, 2 cousins and my auntie... we went to some restaurant called "the silk road".. the sichuan food was EvIL!! EviL!! i like spicy food but this was overkill. and that was only the starters. then came this dish called "tantanmian" (mian as in noodles)... my cousin was severely traumatised... and he's in his 20s. my father was obviously drunk from the spicy food/beer but still wanted to drive us home.... it was a scary ride. and i'll be off spicy food for awhile.

today went JB to see some relatives... i totally WASTED my time there. then my mother's sense of direction is abit off.... got lost on the way... luckily it doesn't run in the family, but tts another story... anyway her driving skills also not that good... almost like my father's drunk driving.... damn.

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