Sunday, November 02, 2008

Tommy Emmanuel

Still kicking ass on the guitar. This year's show was short, but sweet. New songs, new skills and new jokes. Also bought his new CD and got it signed. They actually stopped people from taking photos with him because the queue was too long and he had to fly to Moscow at 2am, to the disappointment of brand new fanboy Derric.

Still, being Singaporeans some still tried to sneak in a shot here and there, which was quite amusing. And then there was the ticketing disaster before the show started which involved multiple people getting the same seats due to the block not stated on the tickets. Quite funny watching people move up at down trying to find their proper seats while we both sat on what was rightfully ours, arms folded.

Also managed to find a copy of THIS in a small little shop at Peninsula Plaza. Quite shocked when the shopkeeper literally just pulled it off the shelf when I asked if he had anything Joe Pass. No doubt I'll be visiting him again sometime soon.

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