Thursday, January 10, 2008


Chanced upon my secondary 1 and 2 form teacher, Mr. Khoo Khay Soon today. It was kind of a surreal experience because he looked the same and was wearing the same attire AND expression on his face that our class will always remember him for.

On a related note, I also chanced upon this, a blog set up by some cat high boy(s) in an effort to rally against the hair-snipping school authority. Must commend him/them for his/their vision of liberating the masses from sloped hair but sadly, no one is going to give a shit about it after awhile. Soon, they'll realise that things like that just ain't worth fighting for. (If you consider blog ranting as fighting) Even if they get to keep their hair long, they still have to wear the green shorts. And that's a -500 to street cred. A year later, they'll be in pre-u education, where people don't care about hair that much. Few more years and no hair at all. Poof! Story of my life.

Some choice quotes from Mr. anti-establishment (Fyi, GKY is the discipline dude):

-"I'm going to rebel against GKY

Signing off,
Justice Fringe-less

And a few days later:

-"On the other hand i passed the RE hair check ! AHAHAHAHAHA"

So much for rebellion I guess.

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