Monday, July 16, 2007

Grandmaster Flash come back plzzzzz

I'm so not in the mood to do anything anymore. Even the desire to play guitar sorta dies when the mum nags every time i make a sound. It seems that as a musician, my playing fails to touch people's hearts. Or maybe she'd just rather I hit the books more often, which I really should be doing right now. Damn pragmatism.

I really need more stuff to write about. Like complaining about chopping down the tree because drivers don't obey the speed limits. I mean, what's up with that? You break a law, you pay the price. Crash! As I remember, it's speed LIMIT, not RECOMMENDED speed. It's a freaking law. kkz I admit I don't agree with speed limits all the time, German highways sound way more fun but at least most of their drivers aren't retards there. Here? Speed limit FYB and noooo they don't want. Screw the rules, they've (gah-men) got money. Make them chop the tree. They really don't like Darwinism here I guess.

Looks like Live Earth wasn't so impactful afterall. Where are you Captain Planet? You were a hero, you were supposed to take pollution down to zero.

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