Friday, April 24, 2009

Hospitality - Part One

For as long as I have walked, I have always come across these walls, rows of hedges that stretched alongside a particular road on which I commuted frequently, by foot of course. Though I have seen greater walls in my travels, this one seemed no less uninviting as any other wall I had seen — or rather 'experienced' would be the word, for walls are to be felt as much as they are to be gazed upon  and I foolishly indulged in my ignorance for months before I dared venture so much as to take an interest in what could possibly lie behind it.

It began on one of my many monday morning strolls, of which I partake in on a weekly basis, for it is such that the society I lived in could only afford to give a man seven days in a week, four weeks in a month and twelve months in a year, going so far as to give death a nudge when we got more years than we should have in a lifetime, though how that works remains a mystery to most men.  

This will be a short (maybe not) collection of Thoreau-inspired chapters (sans the paragraphing style) which I will compile into one when it's done. More soon (or later).

Monday, April 06, 2009

humanity win

Recommended to me a few months ago by Chun Kang, who raved about it as one of the best films he'd ever watched. True. 

Beneath every soldier is just a mere human and soul. 

Wednesday, April 01, 2009

musings #1

I remember about a year ago when I was still a trainee, (woah. a year already) there used to be this running joke amongst some guys. The platoon IC would always be in front asking the section ICs for the strength (number of people present) and some would just deadpan "very strong" or "okay" or "ninety-two without buffs and gear"

And some of the times, they weren't even trying to be funny. They were just answering the question the way they saw fit to, just to break out of the monotony. I never failed to be amused by that, even when it was my turn to do so.